Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Great Smoky Mountains

I drove about 150 miles today and took close to 200 pictures. The views were overwhelming.  Between the views, hills, creeks and curves, I'm sort of on sensory overload. I think I'll just mainly post some of the pictures and let them stand on their own. Just a few facts: the maximum elevation was about 6,000 feet and the temperature was 30 degrees cooler at the top compared to the bottom.
Here are some of the pictures. I wish they were better. (Remember you should be able to click them to enlarge them.)

I'll try to write some stuff tomorrow. Till then, I hope you enjoy the pics.

It was a very good day.

Ya'll take care of each other. Cya.


  1. Beautiful pics! They look like postcards.

    1. thanks Linda. Most were taken with my new cell phone.

  2. Beautiful pics! Love the one with road construction, Just can't get away from it! LOL

  3. Thanks Brandy. I was first in line with the Flagman, so I couldn't resist taking a picture. lol
