Saturday, June 17, 2023

Begin Trip Today & Hopping RV

 Location: New Rockdale RV Park; Mansfield, Louisiana

My X-wife's doctor appointment which delayed by departure has been rescheduled for two weeks from now. The doctor doesn't seem to be worried, so we aren't worrying. With that in mind, my trip begins today and if the future news from the doctor isn't good, then I can deadhead back here.

Strong storms blew through the area night before last which knocked power out for thousands of people throughout the state. It was probably in the top 5 worse storms I've been through in the last nine years of living in my RV. You can tell it is a strong storm when your RV starts hopping up and down instead of the "rocking and rolling" that happens in semi-strong storms. There were obviously some circular winds in additional to the straight line ones. I'm not going to use the T word tornado since there wasn't one officially called by the Weather Service. But full-time RV'ers sometimes know more than those fancy meteorologists/weather people. Now there was this one blonde weather woman once that was right all the time and if she had told me to jump, I would have asked "how high"? Now that's another story. Anyway, Liberty2 handled it well and still seems watertight. 

My first stop on this trip is about 180 miles away so I can leave as late as 11:00 and get there around the 2:00 pm check-in time. On the way, I'll be stopping at a truck stop with a CAT scale to weigh Liberty2. Her weight should now be her normal traveling weight so I need to establish the baseline weight. CAT scales are accurate, very easy to use and cheap. It's located in a Love's Truck Stop so I may get a burrito to eat on the way after picking up my weigh ticket. 

There aren't any pictures in this post but I'm planning to get some travel pictures today for the next post. The first two campgrounds on this trip are for only two nights each but I will still be able to do a little exploring. 

I'm not sure why, but I'm not as excited about this trip as I have been in the past. Maybe it will change after I get hitched up and start rolling down the road. We will see.

Ya'll take care of each other. Maybe I'll Cya down the road. 


  1. After 16 years of travels. rolling still excites me.

  2. I'll bet you're feeling more excited by the time you get to the RV gathering.
    Safe travels!

    1. Hello Rob,,,, I hope things are going your way. I know I will be excited to see the Tennessee River.

  3. Glad your news allowed you to be able to hit the road. Looking forward to the trip posts. My upcoming week is performing my constitutional duty known as jury duty. Wishing you a safe and happy travel.

    1. I got out of Jury Duty once while I was on the road. The Parish Clerk knew I was traveling and canceled it after calling.
