Sunday, July 21, 2024

Peaceful State Park (mostly pictures)

 Location: Illini State Park; Marseilles, Illinois (about an hour southwest of Chicago)

This is my second Illinois State park stop on this trip and I've been really happy so far. You can tell it's an older park but it is still being maintained and operated nicely. It feels like it's an old Corps of Engineers campground that the state took over but I haven't been able to confirm that.

My campsite is right on the banks of the Illinois River which connects Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. The campground is just upriver from the Marseilles Lock and Dam. It's an active river with about 9 or so tows that pass here daily. I expected most to be grain barges but so far it seems the majority are coal barges. There isn't a good vantage point to see the dam or lock but the river is very nice.

My campsite with the Illinois River in the background. Nightly cost for electric only, is $20.00 which is about a 25% increase from the average COE.

This is the view from my door. The super large building in the background overshadows everything in this area. The dam is also in view 

This is the area directly behind my campsite and the view out my back window

Sunset on the first night. I just open my door and there it is. Nice


I wasn't feeling to good yesterday evening so I'm finishing this post today. I had a belly ache that came on late yesterday afternoon, probably from eating too much watermelon. It sure was good while eating it though. So, without a nice looking woman to tell me I'll be OK, I went to bed early. You women don't know the healing power of your soft hands and soothing voices. I'll finish this post with some pictures and captions around the area. 

Nice set of boat ramps to access the river. 

This was taken from the end of one of the docks at the boat ramp. It shows an overall view of the area. To the left is the man made canal going to the lock. In the center is the dam and bridge. To the right is the Nabisco building and the diversion canal.

This narrow roads run parallel to the canal leading to the lock. The road got much worse before reaching the lock. I was hoping to find a nice viewing point but was disappointed. 

This is what is at the end of that rough road. It is the Illinois Fallen Soldier Surround of Honor. All of the trees are part of the memorial. Just to the right, about 1,000 yards is the lock for the river. Nice and peaceful place.

This is one of the small pull-offs along the rough road. Very calming place. 

This is the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial. It is located on the bank of the river just downstream of the dam. It is the only memorial in the country dedicated to the fallen military in the Middle East conflicts (undeclared war). It was erected by Illinois bikers. Nice find.

The dedication plaque at the Middle East wall

As I said earlier, this building dominates everything around here. It is the Nabisco building/factory. It was built in 1920 and manufactured the carton for Nabisco products (ie, oreo's). It was the first air conditioned factory in the mid-west at the time. 

One of the many tows that passed by. This is looking out my back window

This a sunrise, also looking out my back window. 

Last picture out my back window. A color coordinated tow boat and barges. 

Today is moving day and just a short tow of about an hour to another Illinois state park. This has been a nice and peaceful stop. 

Ya'll take care of each other. Maybe I'll Cya down the road.


  1. Now this park looks to be a very nice place to spend a bit of nice time. thank you.
